The dangers of sedentary lifestyle

Understanding the Modern-Day Hazards of Prolonged Sitting and Its Effects on Our Health

Don't let a sedentary lifestyle become normalised. Book with us to get a no-cost assessment of your body's metabolic health

Did you know?

Humans are not designed for sitting

Humans evolved as bipedal creatures, accustomed to standing, walking, and running. Our ancestors spent much of their days hunting, gathering, and moving.

Sitting for prolonged periods is not what our bodies were primarily designed for.

In today's world, sedentary lifestyle are harming many people. This lack of activity not only disrupts the natural functions of the body but also results in the accumulation of excessive fat. Over time, this can pave the way for a range of chronic diseases, posing serious health threats.

Sitting can lead to Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

Sitting for long periods can lead to weight gain, partly because of reduced muscle activity. When muscles move less, an important enzyme for breaking down fats and using sugar seems to become less active.

As a result, prolonged sitting increases the risk for obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and cholesterol – collectively known as Metabolic Syndrome.

Book for a FREE screening to identify any metabolic health concerns

Book in via our website and choose a time convenient to meet with our nurse practitioners for a FREE screening on your metabolic health concern. This is bulk billed to Medicare - there are no out of pockets costs for you.

Book Your Free Screening
doctor booking appointment

Change your lifestyle today by Standing Up

Few tips for incorporating more physical activity into your daily routine

  • Opt for walking or cycling over driving
  • For longer journeys, combine walking or cycling with other transport methods.
  • Choose stairs over lifts or escalators; if on an escalator, walk up
  • Arrive at the bus stop earlier and complete your journey on foot
  • Choose parking spots farther away and walk the remaining distance
  • Determine your walking speed for a kilometer; sometimes it might be quicker than waiting for public transport

Enhancing Physical Activity in the workplace

Workplace exercise opportunities are readily available; a few minutes of simple activities can yield significant benefits.
  • Take Regular Breaks: Every hour, make it a point to stand up, stretch, or take a short walk
  • Standing Desks: If possible, use a standing desk or a convertible workstation that allows you to alternate between sitting and standing
  • Walk and Talk: Instead of sitting in a conference room, consider  meetings walking
  • Stair Climbing: Opt for stairs over elevators

Enhancing Physical Activity Indoors

Select your preferred indoor sport; these activities benefit not just your physique but also boost mental health by alleviating stress and anxiety.
  • Dancing
  • Indoor Swimming
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Martial Arts
  • Squash
  • Indoor Rock Climbing

Get Started Today

We also offer a screening service for employees, provided at no cost to the company (Bulk Billed to Medicare). Our services are designed to eliminate barriers for workplaces wishing to prioritise their employees' health. If you or your workplace are interested in our employee screening services, please reach out to us.

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