Did you know?

Your Metabolism slows down 90 per cent after 30 minutes of sitting

Some conditions, like an underactive or overactive thyroid and diabetes, can also affect your metabolism. As can stress from the hormones released.

Join our upcoming program

3 Month Metabolic & Weight Loss

Starter Program

  • Comprehensive metabolic health screening and assessment
  • 1x Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) Appointment
  • 1x Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) Appointment
  • 1x Endocrinologist/Weight Management Physician Appointment
  • Access to medications (where needed)
  • Unlimited Nurse Practitioner Appointments, who will manage your care throughout
Countdown finished!

In Clinic at The Metabolic and Endocrine Centre

(639 Glen Huntly Rd Caulfield Vic)


Telehealth (Video Based Appointments)

In Clinic at The Metabolic and Endocrine Centre

(639 Glen Huntly Rd Caulfield Vic)


Telehealth (Video Based Appointments)

How can an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) help your metabolism?

Physical activity can increase metabolic rate both during and after exercise.

More than half (55%) of adults however struggle to meet the physical activity guidelines due to sedentary jobs, time constraints, injuries, chronic health conditions, and a lack of motivation.

When you consult with an AEP, they will assess various aspects of your health and fitness to tailor a treatment plan and exercise regimen specifically for you. AEP's have a deep understanding of human physiology, and the body's response to exercise. They use evidence-based practices to create exercise plans that are safe, effective, and tailored to your individual needs. They do so by considering your medical history, current fitness level, any physical limitations, and your desired outcomes. They can create a plan that maximizes benefits while minimizing risks and provide ongoing support and motivation to overcome barriers, and foster sustainable physical activity habits.

Endocrinologists and their role in managing hormone levels & your metabolism

Endocrinologists are doctors who specialise in hormones, the the endocrine glands that produce them and can detect and manage imbalances.

The human body has over 50 hormones, influencing each cell, organ and bodily function including your metabolism and appetite. By effectively regulating the body’s hormone production, energy levels, mood, and metabolism can all properly function.

Conditions Endocrinologists can diagnose and treat

  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid and parathyroid disease
  • Osteoporosis and bone health
  • Weight management and metabolic risk
  • Lipid disorders
  • Adrenal disorders
  • Pituitary disease
  • Men’s and women’s hormonal issues
  • Endocrine disorders in pregnancy, including gestational diabetes
  • Electrolyte disorders of sodium, calcium and phosphate imbalance
  • Hypoglycaemia


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